Codename : Westfort Old Man Winter Alethorpe

I never knew that Old Ale existed as a standard until I was randomly adjusting recipes, trying to create a strong British ale. It fits in with what many might consider a Winter Beer. The title loosely ripped off from the classic song by Neil Young, Old Man.


  • 2 lbs 7 oz Maris Otter malt
  • 2 oz Brown malt (75L)
  • 2 oz Crystal dark (100L)
  • 2 oz Torrified wheat
  • 0.20 oz Cascade hops at 60 minutes
  • 1 oz Tubinado sugar at 20 minutes
  • 0.20 oz East Kent Golding hops at 15 minutes
  • ¼ tsp Irish Moss (optional) at 15 minutes
  • 1/4  tsp yeast nutrient at 15 minutes
  • 0.30 oz East Kent Golding hops at 10 minutes
  • 0.20 oz Fuggle hops at 5 minutes
  • 0.20 oz Fuggle hops at 0 minutes
  • 5 ml Nottingham Ale yeast

Vital Stats

Anticipated ABV : 7.4%
Anticipated IBU : 45
Anticipated SRM : 17
Target OG : 1.072
Pre-boil SG : 1.047
Target FG : 1,016
Brewhouse (in)efficiency : 70%

Brew Day

  • Prepare 7.5L strike water, 155F. 
  • Add the milled grains to the bag. Double check you included all the ingredients,
  • Place the bag in the hot water, set the timer for 75 minutes, and maintain the temperature at 152 F.
  • Calibrate the sonic screwdriver.
  • Lift the bag out of the water, and allow it to drip into the pot. Every bit of sugar that can be extracted will benefit the end ABV.
  • Bring up to a boil, 212F, set the timer for 60 minutes. Add hops, sugar, yeast nutrients and Irish Moss as prescribed above.
  • Sanitise everything required for fermentation.
  • Cool to room temp, an ice-bath or a snowbank work effectively.
  • Prepare yeast mixture.
  • Add wort to the jug. Pitch yeast.
  • Store in a cool place for primary fermentation for 14-21 days.

Bottling Day

  • Sanitise everything required for bottling.
  • Transfer from carboy to bottling pot.
  • Prepare 19g corn sugar with enough hot water to dissolve it. Add to pot.
  • Bottle.
  • Preferably conduct bottle conditioning for at least 8 weeks. You can crack one open early, but you might be disappointed. You have been warned.

Brew Notes.

  • Pre-boil, 1.045. Post boil, 1,070. Anticipate 7.1% ABV


Brew day : 22-Oct-2022
Bottling day : 6-Nov-2022

NFT : to follow